Well I have a confession to make. It appears I may have become addicted to knitting! Although there are many things one could become addicted to, at least knitting is productive. It began just prior to World wide Knit in Public Day (I was practicing to make sure I was an ultra cool looking knitter) and it seems I can't stop. There are so many beautiful yarns around and the weather is just perfect for getting all snuggled up on the couch and knitting. The kids have even dragged out the family scarf, which was knitted by each member of our family on our Tassie holiday a few years back. Clearly they are reminiscing about the feel of the yarn and the clacking of the beautiful wooden needles. I wonder if they are feeling the urge to knit too? I believe it is quite contagious. Go on try it sit next to someone knitting and tell me you don't feel something, I dare you!!
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